Children Who Are Addicted to the Internet
We live in the era of the information super highway. Children are addicted not only to television, videos and cell phones, but also to the internet.
Find Your Mind
Comfortably lean up against the back of a chair and gently close your eyes. Yes, right. You are feeling all your thoughts passing through your mind one after another,
If donating blood gives us a lot of merits, will donating our body after we die to a hospital help us accrue even more merits?
Listening Regularly to Dhamma Teachings # 1
Listening regularly to the Dhamma teachings means to seek out opportunities to hear Buddhist teachings.
How To Plant Habits In Children So They Will Become Disciplined And Responsible (Mai Sab)#5
Dhamma rules are also important to childrens’ lives because it’s factor for them to judge what is good and what is bad.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Artfulness in Knowledge (7)
Comparison of qualities for the learned & the wise
The Ordination
How can we train our descendants to be disciplined and well-organized when they grow up?
Moving Towards the Saffron Robe
Later, young Chaiboon came to a clear realisation that knowledge of the world could not truly keep humankind from suffering, or be able to attain true happiness; only the wisdom derived from meditation could help.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Having done good deeds in one's past (6)
The 38 Ways to Happiness The Second Group of Blessings Blessing Five :- Having done good deeds in one's past